Dans notre gamme d'accessoires, vous trouverez:
- Service caps black or white 28.410 et 24.410
- White service caps 28.415, opening 6 (compatible with : Henri 1L, Yang Ylang 500mL and Agapanthe 500mL)
- Aluminium caps 28.410
- Stopper 28 PCO with tamper proof ring
- Stopper Push Pull green, blue, yellow and red
- Pharmacy stopper with tamper proof ring
- Measuring/ pourer cap for our bottles 1L et 2L with handle PEHD
- Measuring caps 30mL for the bottle Strelizia col 42
- Spray
- Dispenser pump
- Oil stopper red or yeallow
- Child resistant caps blue or black for bidon PEHD col 42